We Keep It Short Next To The Dot
Our Domain Extensions

.A distinct, three-letter new domain extension that is understood globally and can be used by anyone irrespective of geography, language, and industry.
A category-killer new domain extension that focuses on the financial industry and can double up as a meaningful way to showcase deep emotional bonds.
A savvy and uber-cool domain extension for today’s true digital natives who thrive on social media and are rewriting the way things are done with their smart work ethic.
A three-letter domain extension tailored for the future of clothing and fashion design. .CFD is perfect for clothing & fashion brands, designers, influencers, and online retailers.
.sbs is where people cultivate unbiased mindsets, organizations unite with welfare, businesses embrace inclusion, and public interest agendas meet meaningful actions.

ShortBlock is a defensive domain blocking product owned and operated by ShortDot. ShortBlock is the perfect product offering to add to your trademark toolbox.
ShortBlock restricts unauthorized third parties from registering domain names containing trademark names and variations of trademark names on ShortDot’s domain extensions.

ShortBlock offers three packages that will block your client’s mark, giving them the highest level of IP protection in all of ShortDot’s domain extensions.
ShortBlock already offers three block levels that vary from blocking a small number of variants to our wildcard block that completely protects your client’s trademark from appearing in any position in a domain name.
Visit www.shortblock.bond to know more.
Who We Are
We’re ShortDot and we love short domain names! ShortDot is one of the largest New Top-Level Domain Registries on the planet.
Spearheaded by domain industry veterans with over 60 years of combined experience, ShortDot is based in Luxembourg and was founded in 2017 by entrepreneurs Lars Jensen, Kevin Kopas, Michael Riedl, and Christian Tecar.
ShortDot currently owns and operates five New Top-Level Domain Extensions: .icu, .bond, .cyou, .cfd and .sbs.